
Season: 16 Week: 6

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Group 1

Player Foo Fighters Godzilla (Stern) Guns and Roses (JJP) Rush Total
Adam Brown 27,695,310 2.0 27,083,490 2.0 1,991,913 4.0 36,717,320 3.0 11.0
Johnny Crap 52,613,900 3.0 80,649,120 3.0 1,321,600 3.0 31,894,470 2.0 11.0
Ange Potvin 72,457,930 4.0 13,702,310 1.0 198,859 1.0 57,129,330 4.0 10.0
Dominique Rabideau 13,903,120 1.0 122,019,710 4.0 246,173 2.0 18,659,890 1.0 8.0

Group 2

Player Attack from Mars Iron Maiden Radical! Rick and Morty Total
David Bourque 1,336,536,070 3.0 78,826,310 2.0 4,523,110 3.0 1,952,102 2.0 10.0
Justin Cayouette 477,304,440 1.0 18,907,090 1.0 4,661,220 4.0 2,656,703 3.0 9.0
Serge Hebert 3,444,345,340 4.0 176,675,460 4.0 2,215,150 2.0 736,201 1.0 11.0
David Bergeron 1,146,946,980 2.0 122,636,510 3.0 2,036,240 1.0 5,262,903 4.0 10.0

Group 3

Player Dolly Parton James Bond 007 Rush Venom Total
Benjamin Parkins 30,150 1.0 297,271,300 4.0 10,217,020 3.0 46,068,280 2.0 10.0
Alex Stojda 33,470 2.0 71,191,120 3.0 11,951,250 4.0 70,975,310 4.0 13.0
Itamar Keren 43,400 3.0 23,238,340 1.0 9,560,730 2.0 9,211,450 1.0 7.0
Sean Robb 54,760 4.0 51,717,660 2.0 8,534,280 1.0 50,744,830 3.0 10.0

Group 4

Player Dolly Parton James Bond 007 Radical! Rick and Morty Total
Jean-Michel St.-Aubin 93,870 2.0 27,821,840 2.0 1,089,590 2.0 6,668,006 4.0 10.0
Gabby Mountenay 271,230 4.0 76,397,500 3.0 2,957,700 4.0 1,363,301 1.0 12.0
Ben Dowie 45,070 1.0 284,351,240 4.0 2,377,190 3.0 2,672,500 2.0 10.0
Philippe Lorange 182,050 3.0 2,237,640 1.0 678,550 1.0 2,781,001 3.0 8.0

Group 5

Player Attack from Mars Dolly Parton Iron Maiden Rick and Morty Total
Adam Kiesler 1,528,080,208 3.0 32,520 2.0 443,726,920 4.0 4,514,905 4.0 13.0
Benoit Bisson 777,413,310 1.0 31,820 1.0 31,781,810 1.0 1,073,403 2.0 5.0
James Parsons 1,587,489,540 4.0 79,400 3.0 33,606,160 2.0 1,697,901 3.0 12.0
Antoine Charton 1,295,200,590 2.0 86,430 4.0 83,345,840 3.0 826,201 1.0 10.0

Group 6

Player Foo Fighters Godzilla (Stern) Radical! Venom Total
Alexander Spinali 6,548,260 2.5 50,646,980 4.0 1,375,630 2.5 14,054,420 2.5 11.5
Caroline Brisson 3,961,650 1.0 9,308,410 1.0 1,485,700 4.0 16,408,920 4.0 10.0
Julie Plouffe 19,346,220 4.0 19,540,710 2.5 995,150 1.0 6,217,340 1.0 8.5