
Season: 20 Week: 7

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Group 1

Player Godzilla (Stern) John Wick Pulp Fiction Stranger Things Premium Total
Antoine Charton 9,258,670 1.0 20,076,360 3.0 3,545,260 4.0 59,981,480 2.0 10.0
Julie Desrochers 61,139,920 3.0 23,612,610 4.0 206,770 1.0 69,871,890 4.0 12.0
Adam Brown 67,250,660 4.0 9,120,960 2.0 999,500 3.0 63,487,600 3.0 12.0
Tanya Dranzewski 24,940,906 2.0 4,396,460 1.0 398,110 2.0 55,556,480 1.0 6.0

Group 2

Player James Bond 007 Pulp Fiction Rush Stranger Things Premium Total
Jaron Saturnino 85,921,470 3.0 2,281,570 4.0 62,357,230 2.0 245,291,810 4.0 13.0
Ben Dowie 322,078,140 4.0 349,720 2.0 322,078,140 4.0 184,821,030 3.0 13.0
Johnny Crap 31,745,810 1.0 439,260 3.0 31,745,810 1.0 93,548,500 1.0 6.0
David Bourque 58,799,550 2.0 258,550 1.0 68,799,550 3.0 102,217,140 2.0 8.0

Group 3

Player Dolly Parton Rush Stranger Things Premium Wheel of Fortune Total
Serge Hebert 508,270 4.0 54,039,970 4.0 175,391,330 4.0 1,171,160 1.0 13.0
Jax Norman 24,780 2.0 3,375,890 1.0 96,301,210 3.0 8,992,000 3.0 9.0
Frédéric Boivin 96,430 3.0 5,594,120 3.0 20,015,190 1.0 29,566,520 4.0 11.0
Julie Plouffe 10,580 1.0 3,948,260 2.0 31,853,230 2.0 1,892,790 2.0 7.0

Group 4

Player Dolly Parton Eight Ball Deluxe James Bond 007 Mandalorian LE Total
Gabby Mountenay 207 3.0 311,650 2.0 74,246 3.0 61,498 4.0 12.0
Juan Abrile 70 2.0 804,030 4.0 15,005 1.0 24,249 1.0 8.0
Jean-Michel St.-Aubin 211 4.0 482,740 3.0 37,607 2.0 44,275 3.0 12.0
Stuart Davidson 36 1.0 233,620 1.0 74,835 4.0 39,734 2.0 8.0

Group 5

Player Eight Ball Deluxe Godzilla (Stern) Jaws Wheel of Fortune Total
Benoit Bisson 727 3.0 130,715 4.0 35,648 1.0 12 4.0 12.0
James Parsons 491 2.0 11,874 1.0 52,466 2.0 11 3.0 8.0
Dominique Rabideau 1,678 4.0 14,297 2.0 175,029 4.0 6 1.0 11.0
Robert Glashuttner 263 1.0 40,569 3.0 85,052 3.0 9 2.0 9.0

Group 6

Player Eight Ball Deluxe Godzilla (Stern) James Bond 007 Wheel of Fortune Total
David Germain 958 4.0 16 1.0 9 1.0 2,073 1.0 7.0
Steve Brown 215 2.0 36 2.0 49 3.0 2,695 2.0 9.0
David Bergeron 482 3.0 67 3.0 220 4.0 4,090 3.0 13.0
Jonathan Dubreuil 151 1.0 501 4.0 41 2.0 7,983 4.0 11.0

Group 7

Player Dolly Parton Jaws Mandalorian LE Rush Total
Eric Mendoza 26 2.5 10 1.0 37 2.5 4 2.5 8.5
Sebastien Thibert 101 4.0 68 4.0 4 1.0 6 4.0 13.0
Dimitri Sigounas 17 1.0 65 2.5 47 4.0 2 1.0 8.5